This week the Make Your Voice Heard survey data was released. The Make Your Voice Heard survey is a survey that Jefferson County School District gives to students (2nd -12th grade) once every-other year to gather feedback about their school experience. The survey focuses on three main areas; relationships, climate, and rigor/relevance. Our students have consistantly expressed that the Open School is a place where they feel safe, cared for, and connected. This year was no different and I wanted to share some of the highlights with you.
All percentages equal the percent of "agree" or "strongly agree" responses from students.
- My teachers help me. 100%
- My teachers respect me. 99%
- Staff members at this school care about students. 99%
- There is a least one adult I can go to when I need help with school work. 97%
- I feel safe at school. 96%
- The students at my school tell an adult if they see bullying. 88%
- I feel safe at school. 87%
- I will graduate from High School 98%
- My teachers encourage me to do my best. 98%
- My teachers make it fun to be in class. 97%
- My teachers encourage me to do my best. 97%
- My teachers know a lot about the subject they teach. 98%